support us



If you would like a closer involvement with the choir but are not a performer, you could support the choir by becoming a Friend of Sevenoaks Philharmonic Society. This entitles you to a free ticket per season, priority booking for concert performances and advance information about each season’s programmes.

To become a friend please complete the Friend of the Sevenoaks Philharmonic Society form.

If you would like more information, or to be on the Mailing List and receive information about our concerts, please contact the Friends’ Secretary, Pauline Davies by clicking on the button below.


become a friend of the society

If you would be interested in supporting the choir by becoming a Friend please complete the form below and we will contact you with further information.


Sevenoaks Philharmonic is able to reach a wide cross-section of music lovers in and around Sevenoaks and is always happy to consider ways in which like-minded businesses and individuals could sponsor our activities in return for promotional opportunities at our concerts. This might be through meeting the costs of mounting a concert or the fees of soloists, or even the production costs for Programmes.

But sponsorship is not just for businesses. We are always pleased to be asked about concert sponsorship in memory of music lovers or former members.

If you would like to discuss further please click the button below to get in contact.

programme advertising

Sevenoaks Philharmonic is pleased to offer advertising space in our Concert Programmes to appropriate local businesses and we now acknowledge that support further through the online recognition below.

If you would like to advertise with us please click here and send a brief message and we will contact you to discuss.