member resources


We continue to be guided by “Making Music”, our national membership organisation for music groups and promoters.

The previous mandated restrictions have, of course, been ended, but that does not mean that Covid has been conquered, rather that the impact of contracting Covid is now much reduced following the vaccination programme, increased immunity after having had the disease and mutations in the virus itself.

However, that is a general statement of the “on average” type and we need to remember that some people still get Covid very badly indeed whilst others are more vulnerable to catching the disease. Similarly we can remind ourselves that some of our members have more vulnerable people at home or for whom they are carers and I believe we each owe them a moral duty not to knowingly expose them to the disease as the consequences for them and their loved ones may be significantly worse than any symptoms we experience ourselves.

Making music therefore advise a set of “safer behaviours” which I would strongly recommend we each adopt, please :

  1. Getting vaccinated – including all available boosters.
  2. Letting fresh air in if meeting indoors, or meeting outside. We will have windows open at rehearsals so please dress appropriately
  3. Wearing a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, especially where you come into contact with people you do not usually meet, when rates of transmission are high.
  4. Trying to stay at home if you are unwell.
  5. Taking a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms, (if available) and staying at home and avoiding contact with other people if you test positive; and
  6. Washing your hands and following advice to ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’.

The single most important point is that no one should not come to rehearsals if they have the slightest symptoms or if you suspect you have been in contact with someone who is carrying the disease. Can we each, please, adopt this as a personal obligation to your fellow choir-members.

I hope you will agree that these are a reasonable set of clearly-stated behaviours and that you can personally commit to their adoption.

resources for our next concert

Rehearsals for our Summer concert  :

Choraline (paid) :  Click Here – Choraline

Cyberbass (free) : Click Here – Cyberbass NB all choruses for men appear to be available, but not all of the Soprano and Alto sections have yet been created – ie only partial coverage for ladies’ parts

Musical Solutions (paid) : Click Here – Musical Solutions

If anyone is aware of any other sources for this (especially for the Sopranos and Altos) do please let me know and I will add them to this page.



personal details

If you are a member of Sevenoaks Phil and have changed your contact details please let the Membership Secretary know by completing the following form and clicking send.